Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Susan and Josh vs the Volcano

Our final destination on the Tanzanian mainland was Lake Natron, which is one of the 'soda lakes.' These are lakes near volcanoes that have a high acid level, are often dry and basically have a 'lunar landscape' appearance. Also, these lakes seem to be big draws for flamingos - thousands of them.

While at the lake we saw the flamingos (but could not get too close due to the very muddy conditions) and also took a long hike down a deserted path to find a beautiful waterfall hidden deep in the canyon. No one else was anywhere nearby (except for, of course, a couple of Masai women trying to sell us beaded bracelets - see the previous Masai posting). Being waterfall chasers, we shucked off the clothes and went for a swim in the waterfall and the little pool behind it. Absolutely amazing!

Lest readers think that we had nothing but smiles for one another for the entire duration of the honeymoon, we got into a little 'tiff' at Lake Natron. A local offered to guide us to the top of the nearby volcano on a midnight hike. Hiking conditions you ask? Hiking up a 3000 meter mountain in the middle of the night, contending with high winds in the area, walking through deep ash all the way to the top, and last but certainty not least - the volcano was active!! At night you could see it glowing red and sputting out loads of sulphur gas. The guide said new volcanic vents were opening up each night and pouring lava out.

Three guesses which of us wanted to hike the bloody volcano to the top and which of us thought that we should just get a good night's rest.

Our would-be volcano guide. Honestly, does he look like someone you would follow up an active volcano in the middle of the night. On the plus side, his hat is aesthetically pleasing and makes Josh's hat look downright manly.

(For the record, we didn't end up doing the hike, due to the insistence from ONE of us. It was a perfect, cloudless night, and would have been an exhausting but romantic hike. But we'll never know about that because we didn't even try. Three guesses who added this last line.)

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