Friday, January 30, 2009

The end…for now

We spent just under 3 months on the honeymoon, traveling through Asia and Africa, enjoying natural beauty, spotting magnificent animals, eating exotic foods, learning about new cultures, and visiting with old friends. The trip was nothing short of amazing, but since we tried keeping to a fairly tight budget, it was also exhausting. As we like to joke, after 3 months of travelling together through Africa if we are not divorced yet, the marriage must be a strong one.

We are glad to be back safe and sound and look forward to seeing all our friends in various parts of the world, to share our stories and generally catch up with loved ones after being incommunicado for so long. A big thank you to everyone for the various gifts on the honeymoon registry last year – without your generosity we would not have experienced half the wonderful and amazing things that we did.

While the honeymoon is now over, we are looking forward to settling into our 'real life' together, but with one eye already on 'the next big trip.'

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